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What is the Joshua Project?

  • Sponsored by the Morning Star Apolstic Church in Wytheville, Va.

  • An after school program for boys 8-16.

  • Works to promote positive behaviors, habits and skills that will help them throughout life.

  • Campus where they stay hold activities.

      At the Joshua Project we would meet with the boys to discuss try and act as mentors for these boys who have had some tough beginnings. These boys aren't ones that seem to have pent up anger thought, all of them were shooting to do something impressive in their future. "ABCD builds on the assets that are already found in the community and mobilizes individuals, associations, and institutions to come together to build on their assets-- not concentrate on their needs" (Center for Civic Engagement, "What is Asset Based Community Development (ABCD). This saying is very reflective oh how working with these young men was, they didn't look to stay in the past but they showed the want to build for a better future. From going to Georgetown to study music engineering to being a millionaire they all had goals with little plans to be held back. We accomplished meeting with the kids, establishing a base head with the program for an expanded role with the boys as well as seeing some of the shortcomings the program has that can be fixed or expedited in the future. This program offers an innovative approach to helping these young men in need of a guiding presence, it offers them a chance to do so while being guided by younger mentors that can relate more to them then someone no where near their age. Also the way they preach value of self to these young men is inspiring, "Social capital is defined by the OECD as “networks together with shared norms, values and understandings that facilitate co-operation within or among groups" ("OECD Insights: Human Capital"). They try to ensure they see the value that can come to them through working towards their goals. This got to me because it made just remember that there isn't a reason for me to not succeed or feel I can because many have access to fewer resources and still maintain a positive sense of direction. 


Fire Pit
  • ​Worked together to build a whole fire pit
  • Talk goals, seeing thru goals, enjoying result


Car Decals
  • Learned how to put on decals​​

  • Some younger boys disengaged



Hurdles of Policy
  • Issues of forms and safety concerns because of the age of boys the starting process for any serious moves is slowed to be thorough in it's decision making process. 


Constant Turnover Rate
  • The set of boys has a constant rotational turnover rate so makes it hard to form long term relationships when they go after certain amount of time. 
  • "Commitments to ongoing assessment and evaluation in user-friendly formats provide community-based organizations with opportunities for monitoring the progress of the coalition, both in its processes and products (outcomes)." (Himmelman, COLLABORATION DEFINED: A Developmental Continuum of Change Strategies, 2002).
  • Would like to create a strong evaluation method to see if the boys are being encouraged to seek out secondary education or training of some sort.


Future Goals
  • We'd like to have set days for the boys to come to campus, be paired with a mentor and see an academic day.
  • As well as beginning to develop a similar program for girls the same age.
  • For the students to take one campus tour by the Admission's office and sit down with an individual about options for paying for college.
  • To attend an athletic event.


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